Week 33, 2017

There's a lot of grunt work that goes into putting this thing together every week. Looking for bands' music, collecting links, choosing editing and arranging pictures - the mindless clicking from tab to tab that needs to be done to accrue the right info. This week I decided to get that all out of the way up front so I could focus more on writing the actual content... You know, really free myself up so I can create without distraction. But now that I'm sitting here wired on coffee and ears full of podcast, my mind wanders to playing guitar or going for a run - any excuse to not do the work right? Still, I persevere because there was some great bands to talk about this week and I want to stay on top of cataloging all this great music.

Also, the artwork for my podcast is ready to go so I'll be starting the process to get that released today (not sure how long that takes), and I'll likely be doing some reformatting to this page as well.

OK, so now that all that's out out of the way here's some of the bands that rocked Baltimore this week

8/14/17 - Thunder Club // Kid Brother // Milo In The Doldrums

Monday's lineup of bands fucking rocked! The show kicked off with Arlington's Milo In The Doldrums and their pop-infused guitar rock - strong arrangements built around singer Rob Mays' Cobain-esque vocals. Rising locals Thunder Club hit the stage next with some dance and dub influenced indie jams (Seriously, these guys can play!), and ending the night's festivities was VA's Kid Brother with a set of anthemic arena-rockers that would fit right in with the contemporary rock hits on the radio today. The show wrapped early enough for my drinks to get away from me and for the night to go later than expected. Not a bad Monday.

Thunder Club

Milo In The Doldrums

Kid Brother

8/15/17 - Nick Hoegberg // Cove Sauce // Salt Circles

After a rainy Tuesday of doin' just about nothin', I made it to Joe's (thank God for French onion soup!) for another awesome lineup. Nick Hoegberg and his band opening things up with some really great minimal jams led by Nick's bizarre but awesome vocal style. Boston noise-punks Cove Sauce chunked their way through a fuzzy set of angsty garage rockers, and local duo Salt Circles closed things out with a LOUD set of angular and dissonant lo-fi jams.

Nick Hoegberg

Cove Sauce

Salt Circles

8/17/17 - Old Bay Thrashers // 96 Ghosts // Needles//Pins // Erotic Novels 

Thursday was a;; about the pure punk goodness! The Old Bay Thrashers fired out of the starting gate with some politically-powered rippers backed by the insane drumming antics of Mr. Zac Concannon. Ninety Six Ghosts kept things moving with a sound reminiscent to Fugazi meets Green Day. Needles//Pins from Vancouver hit next with some well crafted garage punk and some of the coolest vocals I've heard in a while, and closing out the show was NJ's Erotic Novels, who returned to the pizza basement with a full band this time to rip through some excellent pop-punk led by the powerful and melodic vocals of singer/ bassist Shannon Perez.

Old Bay Thrashers

Ninety Six Ghosts


Erotic Novels

8/19/17 - Twanger Sisters // Distinguished Gentlemen 

After spending the day biking around the city, I got to see the Twanger Sisters perform their special brand of duel-fronted uke folk over at Mum's on Saturday. Before the show kicked off there was a crazy bar fight involving a drunk old guy and a man in a sling (it was nuts!), and for some reason someone played the studio and live versions of Down With The Sickness back to back on the jukebox (where are we!?) The Twangers killed it and were opening for locals The Distinguished Gentlemen who threw down some bluesy Clutch-powered grooves.

Twanger Sisters

Distinguished Gentlemen

After the show at Mum's we headed over to 1919 to tie one on and catch Doug Stevenson lay down a couple tunes for a friend's birthday

Cool that does it for this week. If I have any parting words of wisdom I'll give you this:

To play as Airdog in NBA Jam on Super Nintendo - On the enter initials screen Put in AI and the highlight R. Hold the Start and L buttons down and hit X.



  1. thanks for the story,John. We leave town and fights and Twangers happen-:)

    Also good to have seen your pix of Eric Rose on his telecaster.....


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