Week 13, 2017

Sup y’all! Once again I'm back to report tales of music in Baltimore. This was one hell of an awesome week for me as well as one hell of an awesome week for music at Joe’s, so without further delay here’s a brief recap of what happened.  

3/28/17 -hexgirlfriends // The Off White // Envy The Animals

Tuesday’s show kicked of with locals hexgirlfriends who dished out an awesome set of female-fronted pop (or un-pop as they like to say) rife with excellent harmonies and cool electro grooves. NY/ NJ’s The Off White followed with some excellent psych-garage ending with a fantastic cover of No Fun, and Envy The Animals’ Henry H. brought out the entire plant section to back him up for a great set of acoustic numbers. Pretty awesome Tuesday!

3/31/17 - Wae // Sitcom // Half Waif

Friday was incredible. The show kicked off earlier than usual with locals Wae, who provided a great set of verbed-out pop tunes and dreamy soundscapes before making way for Philly’s Sitcom who coupled some hilarious songs about wind with some killer dance moves. Brooklyn’s Half Waif closed the show with a phenomenal set of what they call mood-ring pop, lush piano-driven tunes combined with a hybrid rhythm section and led by the powerful voice of the beautiful Nandi Rose Plunkett. It was about the coolest thing that’s played Joe’s so far this year, and I wish them luck on the rest of their tour! After the show I somehow made my way to Water Street Tavern to tie one on and catch the end of James Von Lenz & The Flying Brimley Brothers' rocked out set of drink-a-longs.

James Von Lenz & The Flying Brimley Brothers


No show Saturday for some reason which was kind of a bummer, so instead I ended up checking out the Light City Festival down in the Inner Harbor with some friends... and boy was it depressing. The vibe kinda reminded me of of a run down carnival, the lighting exhibits few and far between; small beacons of sad hope amongst the huddled masses seeking over-priced beverages. In all seriousness it wasn’t that bad, and it was pretty fun riffing on what we were seeing with my friends. After a shortcut into Fells Point involving some brief construction site parkour, we hit the Cat’s Eye Pub to see Sean K. Preston & The Loaded Pistols throw down for the drunk n’ rowdy Fells folk. Somehow I found my way back to an afterparty complete with even more drinks and song before ubering home from what became a fantastic Saturday adventure! 

Alright, that’s it for now. Shows are picking up so the next few weeks are gonna be packed! So stick around, but more importantly come to a show! Until next week.
