Hey y’all! It was a super light week as far as shows went so this post is going to be rather short, but things did culminate with perhaps the best annual party of the whole year! Let’s get to it, shall we?

11/30/16 - Miles East
New York’s Miles East joined us Downsquares on Wednesday to perform songs from his debut album Ghosts of Hope. Mr. East has a very contemporary sound of heartfelt vocal melodies over clean chordal arrangements and his enjoyable performance sent the modest crowd home with tunes in their heads and beers in there guts.
12/2/16 - The Wafflers // Katie Bowers Band
Friday Joe’s hosted an evening with the Wafflers as the Katie Bowers Band was sick and unable to perform. The Wafflers laid down some excellent versions of some classic rock n’ roll and kept the bar both hootin’ and hollerin’ throughout the evening.
12/3/16 - The 23rd Night of 100 Elvises
Saturday I attended what has become a bit of a tradition for me and some close friends of mine. Over the last 4 years, I’ve performed at the Night of 100 Elvises party at the Lithuanian Hall on Hollin St. in one band or another, last year being the first putting together my own Elvis band - Johnny G & The TCB3 - and this year being our first to perform on the main stage! Elvis night is as awesome as it it bizarre with an assortment of The King’s impersonators and rockabilly enthusiasts coming out in droves to sing, dance, but most importantly to drink themselves into a blind stupor. From Sun Records to Viva Las Vegas, Jailhouse Rock to Pink Cadillacs, every incarnation of The King is represented and accounted for as we rocked our way through the night, and eventually back to the Lord Baltimore Hotel for some nightcap Karaoke and Firemost Guacamole. It was madness, and some of the most fun that’s happened all year, I can’t wait for the next one!
All right that does it for me, I'll see you all next week!
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